North Dakota Babies

Holiday Gift Wish List - clicky too!

I want to make life easy, for everyone, and I was thinking about creating an Amazon wish List for Lil Miss.  I could then share it with anyone who asks what she would like.  This way they know what she like to play with, can play with (age-wise) and kinda see what she already has.  But is that too presumptuous? Its not like I'd put the registry on our holiday cards.  LOL


Re: Holiday Gift Wish List - clicky too!

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  • I have such mixed feelings about this.  I think it sucks.  But it is super helpful.  But it is super presumptuous.  But I like it when I have to get kids a gift.  But it I still think it is kind of rude.  But it isn't like you're sending it to everyone, just the people that ask, ya know?  I don't know.

    With that said, I don't want to answer 50 different people with the same few things and then end up that K gets a bunch of the same things.  And I do like it when I need to get something for a kid and their mom leads me to a list like the wishlist on BRU.  I can order it online.  Fantastic. 

    I don't know what I am going to do.  And I don't know how to vote either.

    Can you tell I am a little scattered on the topic?  HA.

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  • I voted no, but I love the idea!! I know makes no sense right?? I thought of doing this for G and DH said people are going to get her what they want anyway, so why do it.....But I am like you- I would like to compile a list of educational toys etc (not crap) that she needs, rather than something cute that is useless and will clutter up my house.....
  • People have asked so I need to make lists, but those who ask are people that are only going to spend $10-15 (which is totally fine) but the only "list" I have in my head for her are larger items, I usual buy the smaller stuff on impulse.
    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
  • I voted no, because it's NMS. Our family wouldn't even look at it. I think we got 1 or 2 things off our registry for her birth.

    I'm also w/ pp, I think it's a bit presumptuous, but understand how it would be helpful, especially for ppl w/ o kids- unfortunately just on my moms side alone there are 17 LO's under 13. My cousins probably know better gifts for E than I could even think of...


    K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

  • I voted no because no one I know does this and therefore no one would think to ask if I have one.  I think that it does seem presumptuous and if someone wants to get Caroline something and asks me what to get, I could name a few items off the top of my head.  The only people that I could even see asking would be my mom and my SIL.
  • It really depends on your own family, IMO. My IL's have been doing Amazon wish lists for holidays & birthdays for years now, and they love it. I ended up having to make one for myself so my IL's new what I wanted also. At first I was uncomfortable with it, but then I realized it was just me putting stress on myself. My IL's love that they know exactly what we all want and don't have to guess. Since then my mom has made one for herself also, which I love because she's soooo difficult to shop for! :)

    In fact, we all told my SIL that if she wanted to make a list for my nephews then that would be awesome because they're both so young that... well, if there are things they just need or my SIL would like them to have, then we can get them those things, since they'll end up with plenty of toys from other people anyways.

    Personally I like wish lists, but I probably wouldn't tell people I had one unless they asked. They also come in very handy for DH & I, he knows what I want & I know what he wants.

  • I'm not doing it with G this year, but I do it for myself. haha!  I know it's bad, but it's mostly just so I can remember what to ask for.  Throughout the year I add things to my wish list as I think of them, so then I have a bunch of ideas to rattle off when people ask me what I want.  My dad buys something off my Amazon list for every Christmas and birthday without even asking me, so I know he appreciates it being there.

    My SIL always sends us a list of what to buy her kids.  Like she says the boys want sleeping bags from a, binoculars from b, legos from c, etc etc.  THAT is taking it too far.  But making a list so people have ideas?  I don't think that's so bad.  It's not like you're saying they have to buy something from that list.  We've always done it, the only difference is now it's on Amazon instead of a letter to Santa...

  • imageash.flea:

    My SIL always sends us a list of what to buy her kids.  Like she says the boys want sleeping bags from a, binoculars from b, legos from c, etc etc.  THAT is taking it too far.

    Eric's mom does this too, ugh. Eric always ends up getting her name in our exchange and she sends him on a wild goose chase going to 10 different stores for $5 items that add up the EXACTLY our $50 limit. 

    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
  • I don't think I would do it because no one would ever think to ask and if I sent them the wish list they would buy whatever they wanted anyway.  I think putting it in your Christmas card is a bit much.  Couldn't you just make the wish list and tell people if they ask?  I agree it might be helpful if people don't know what to get her.  
  • I made one for DH and I last year because MIL...well...she has a hard time buying things for us that would ever be useful in any way. She LOVES to buy last year she asked us for lists and that's what we set up. I personally love them, and if I'm stumped on what to buy for my siblings, I check to see if they have updated their amazon list before I go shopping at all.
  • I definitely think it depends on your family.  I dated a guy in high school whose family was very business-like about Christmas gifts.  They all exchanged lengthy lists at Thanksgiving, and everyone only bought from the list.  Now with my family, you could write a list... but good luck to ya!  

    So, if your family has always shopped from lists and are fairly internet savvy, then I don't see much of a difference.  Of course, I would only give them a list (paper or web address) after they ask for it. 

  • imageKahtie41:

    I definitely think it depends on your family.  I dated a guy in high school whose family was very business-like about Christmas gifts.  They all exchanged lengthy lists at Thanksgiving, and everyone only bought from the list.   

    This!  A couple of my friend's families are like this.  If making a list works with your family then I say do it!  If not, then maybe have a few ideas ready for when people ask, but I wouldn't just throw a list out there to those who don't ask. 

  • I did this last year and will probably do it this year too.  I had so many people asking me for a list for him that it made it easy to direct them too.  I used
  • My family has always made lists so I do an Amazon wish list. Like Ashley said, it helps me remember things. My family will buy off of it. My mother in law asks for it but I guess she is only capable of buying off QVC so she doesn't generally buy off of it. I also tried to steer her towards the types of things I would like her to get for Briley (educational, not noisy), and told her that we would rather have a couple good quality things than a whole bunch of toys. Maybe that's tacky but she asked what we wanted so I gave her some "guidance" Wink I would never give anyone a list unless asked though, and I buy from my list myself.
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