I have bought a stash and I am starting this week with my 15month old son. I figured that with 3 in diapers during the nb stage we will go through around 35 a day or 200+ a wk . Cloth seems like a great alternative.
What did you use for the newborn stage? I know prefolds are the most economical but I am not sure they are for me. I think I am going to like AI2/hybrids the best. What do you use? Any advice?
Re: MoM's that Cloth Diaper
We used kissaluvs size 0 and thirsties xs covers up until about last week. They still fit but are starting to get a little snug. I think I had about 24 diapers and 4 or 5 covers, I definitely needed more covers but made out okay with what I had. I really liked the fitted diapers, they were easy to use and easy to wash.
I may be wanting to sell my diapers and covers, if you interested in them you can PM me.
We used prefolds + covers during the day, and fitteds (Thirsties Fab Fitteds & KL0s) + covers at night. We did use a few AI2s, too. Most of my NB stash was borrowed from a girlfriend.
The problem I had with AIOs/AI2s/hybrids is that they take for.ev.er. to dry. I much preferred the fitteds + covers. Really, though, prefolds are pretty easy.
You might get some kind of doubler for that. DS peed through KL0 by like 2 weeks.
I've only done this with one but liked PFs and covers for the NB stage (b/c they grow so fast and b/c you can easily adjust for the cord.) I had a mix of PUL covers (Prowraps, but I've heard Thirsties are better) and wool (which I loved but isn't for everybody) Later we used a mix of everything. I got some teensy fitteds for this time and a friend gave me her Thirsties covers.
We CD our twins and our 18 month old. For the babies we use prefolds and Thirsties Duo Wrap covers which we love and for our toddler we love one size pocket diapers because they are easy and quick. We use BG 3.0 OS and I just ordered a few Kawaii pockets because they are so cheap. We also have 7 Flip covers which work great, you just put an insert in or you can use their disposable inserts (we don't, you might as well just use a disposable IMO)
CDing is awesome and it saves a ton of money and a ton of waste. We have saved so much money and it's nice never having to go to the store in the middle of the night because we've run out of diapers.