Alabama Babies

Can a baby start teething at 2 months?

Parker has started drooling a lot and has become very fussy in the past week.  I can't feel anything yet but I think he is trying to teeth.  What can I do to help soothe him?
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Re: Can a baby start teething at 2 months?

  • He may or may not be teething. Alex started this and from what I read on babycenter, their salivary glands are kicking into action and that is what causes a lot of the drool. I've heard with teething they can get fevers and they start grabbing at their ears. You can also start to see some of the teeth coming in. Even though all babies are different, my Pedi said most babies will start around 4 months. I go to for a week by week development to see what is going on with Alex, this will answer a lot of your questions. In the meantime, you will be going through the bibs.
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  • he may be practice teething.  The tooth buds will sort of grow every now and then and they will drool and want to chew and maybe be fussy, etc.  He also might be going thru a growth spurt.

    offer him teething toys or freeze wet wash cloths for him to chew on.  I would probably avoid any 'teething' meds right now since he is so young. 

    You can also massage his gums with a soft cloth (this will help with teething also). 


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  • imagericejl:
    He may or may not be teething. Alex started this and from what I read on babycenter, their salivary glands are kicking into action and that is what causes a lot of the drool. 

    this is what I always heard.  gk drooled a TON during that time, but he didn't get any teeth until 9 months. 

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  • Aubrey drooled a ton around 2 months but her first teeth didn't come in until around 6 months.  We used to give her stuff to chew on and the frozen washcloth really worked the best for her. 
  • Henry is 7 weeks and he has started this drooling stuff, too (I'm talking back-of-the-neck-wet-with-drool...) Ew :)

    Pedi says (like pp) that it's just their glands kicking into action.

    I want to find some of those soft cotton bibs (not terry). 

    Can't help with any fussiness suggestions.
  • The other Moms are probably right.  I don't think most babies start teething at 2 months but, mine did!  Everybody thought I was crazy but Mom knows best.  My DD started drooling, getting fussy, and chewing on anything she could get a hold of around 2 months.  And 3 weeks later she had 2 bottom teeth.  She's 18 months now and has all of her teeth.  She cut 4 at a time.  It was kinda rough but I'm kinda glad we got it all out of the way.  She never did like the teething stuff, chewies, wash cloths, etc.  The teething tablets worked wonders and they're all natural.  You may want to ask your Ped. if it's ok though.  
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