This morning I put some cloth diapers and mama cloth away that were on the drying rack. I must have dropped some along the way because DH just told me that DD found one of my "things" on the floor.
related: I showed Hubby one of my pantyliners that has dinosaur fabric because, hey, DINOSAURS, and he gave me the OH GOD WTF face.
I'm not too far away from being done with carrying and then expelling babies, but we could always adopt.
And I think that men just don't get the idea that if you're going to have things for seriously bizarre bodily functions, you may as well have fun with them.
Re: A DH funny...or is it? :oP
Boys will be boys, right?!
Mother's Day, 2011
I u. Have my babies?
related: I showed Hubby one of my pantyliners that has dinosaur fabric because, hey, DINOSAURS, and he gave me the OH GOD WTF face.
I'm not too far away from being done with carrying and then expelling babies, but we could always adopt.
And I think that men just don't get the idea that if you're going to have things for seriously bizarre bodily functions, you may as well have fun with them.
Mother's Day, 2011