Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Mommy and Baby group in Plano/Addison/Carrollton

Does anyone know of any Mommy and Baby groups in the Plano/Carrollton/Addison areas?




Re: Mommy and Baby group in Plano/Addison/Carrollton

  • I belong to the Carrolton Early Childhood PTA.  www.cecpta.org.  There are monthly meetings, community service events, family fun outings, group outings and weekly playgroups for each age group.  We are in the youngest playgroup.  It is a great group of about 20 moms and their babies.  There typically are about 6 - 10(mom and baby) each week at playgroup.  We meet at our houses, local playgrounds, local mall play areas, etc.  

    For example, tomorrow I am hosting a halloween playdate at my house.  I also am a Earth Best Playdate Party host so we will have free goodies from them there as well.  We each have to host one wk.   

    Check it out.  If you decide to join( $25 annually and well worth it) tell them that you were referred by the yellow playgroup. 

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  • This is great, thank you!!
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