I am 24 weeks pregnant with twin girls and just got the results back from my anatomy ultrasound scan. My doctor informed me that one of my twins has club foot. He also told me I should consider having amniocentesis performed to make sure that it is not connected to any type of genetic disorder. I broke down and started crying. After doing some research online, I found the club foot is not always caused by a genetic disorder. I was just wondering if any other moms out there have experienced something like this. I am scared and don't know if I should have the procedure done. Help please
Re: Club foot & Multiples
i have no info/advice- but just wanted to say I'm sorry for the worry you are going through!
as far as amnio - that's a personal choice... there are some risks - so talk to the doc about the benefits of finding out - what would be done differently if the amnio showed there WAS a problem? That should help you make your decision.... Some people are just "need to know" types... some don't need to know right away. We were offered amnio b/c of my age- but declined b/c we would not have done anything differently... but everyone is different. Prayers for peace in your heart as you go through this. (((HUGS)))
they told me my baby b had bilateral club feet...offered me genetic testing/counseling and gave me a referral to the shriners hospital who would treat my baby for this problem once she was born...I was upset...cried for a couple days and then pulled myself together and decided b/c it is pretty much 100% treatable, most of the time without surgery I wouldn't worry about it....long story short my DD was born 100% (NO club feet)...so please try to to worry...my DH is still pi$$ed the doc got me so upset about it...I am sure tho they have to tell you it's a possibility to cover their a$$...
BTW I did put in a call to the shriners hospital just so I knew the procedure once our LO was born if she did have club feet...but I didn't do any genetic counseling/testing...GL!