Baby Names

Post your facebook, hospital & other name horrors here

Per this thread, we're hoping to condense a lot of the "gawker" threads into one! We thought this would make them more fun to browse and the board an easier read. We'll start a new thread every morning to keep the list fresh.

Anyone is welcome to add to the post--local hospital names, the awful name you over heard at the park, Facebook horrors, and anything else that might give us a good chuckle! Feel free to comment, too.

Re: Post your facebook, hospital & other name horrors here

  • Carstyn -boy.


    I wish I was kidding. 

  • A new boy at co-op is Trevin.  I think it's a mix of Trevor and Devin, but maybe it's some form of Travis??  Either way, fug
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  • The worst Ive seen was a girl I went to HS with - Simba Messiah.  She said it was because "Simba in the Lion King was like Jesus".


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  • I met two baby girls yesterday named Reecelynn and Maddyx. Not a fan. And a boy named Eden. I like Eden....but much better on girls.
  • Kainoa (boy)

    Za'Kiyah (girl)


    Jersi (girl)

    Daerious (boy)

    and I think I mentioned it before, but I'm still reeling from Jaykub

  • I just so it on as one of the most popular names of the day: Tayden Zip it!

    And, in middle school I had a teacher named Brian Ryan O'Brien. Yep, that's right. 


    Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
    Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

  • imageManderlin923:

    I just so it on as one of the most popular names of the day: Tayden Zip it!

    And, in middle school I had a teacher named Brian Ryan O'Brien. Yep, that's right. 


    In that vein, a math teacher in my HS was named Nguyen Nguyen (pronounced Win Win) same first and last name.

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  • I've posted this one before by I just heard how it is pronounce: Keila:

    KEY-eye-la. Stupid. 

  • Another one of my faves from my teaching days: Dar'renaldo

    I just <3 superfluous apostrophes.


  • My friend works for CPS (child protective services) and she has a boy on her caseload with this middle name:



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  • Aubriuna, Aedyn, Shianne, Baylen, Brynnleigh, Kamdyn, Xalen, Kayne, Annagail, Braidyn, and oh yes Chayden.


  • A baby girl named Ko'Dee -- I saw it on facebook this morning.  Dad's name is Cody.
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  • imageredhotchili83:

    The worst Ive seen was a girl I went to HS with - Simba Messiah.  She said it was because "Simba in the Lion King was like Jesus".


    LMAO! That takes the cake. I could not keep a straight face if someone said that to me irl.

  • A girl I know from high school named her son Charger. She's currently pregnant with another boy and his name will be Ruger. Like the gun.
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  • Friend from HS, twins last night

    Addysyn Shaylon and Allon Carsyn (Addison and Allen)

    I didnt even notice they had reverse endings until my hubby pointed it out. I was so thrown off by the names...Tongue Tied

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  • imageBecky262:

    I just so it on as one of the most popular names of the day: Tayden Zip it!

    And, in middle school I had a teacher named Brian Ryan O'Brien. Yep, that's right. 


    In that vein, a math teacher in my HS was named Nguyen Nguyen (pronounced Win Win) same first and last name.

    I went to HS with a Wynn Nguyen! (A girl). They changed the spelling of her first name when they came to the states from Nguyen. 

    Mine are Emyrson (yes, I know an Emyrson IRL). Girl, obviously. And Xzavian. Ex-zavian.  

  • imageZTACRYSTAL:

    Friend from HS, twins last night

    Addysyn Shaylon and Allon Carsyn (Addison and Allen)

    I didnt even notice they had reverse endings until my hubby pointed it out. I was so thrown off by the names...Tongue Tied

    Umm both boys? or boy and girl? Just curious. Not that it makes them any better, just the Addysyn Shaylon and the Carsyn have me thrown for a loop!

  • imageZTACRYSTAL:

    Friend from HS, twins last night

    Addysyn Shaylon and Allon Carsyn (Addison and Allen)

    I didnt even notice they had reverse endings until my hubby pointed it out. I was so thrown off by the names...Tongue Tied

    Cutesy twin names have come a long way since Dear Abby/Ann Lander's parents named them Esther Pauline and Pauline Esther, huh?  

  • imagePattypoundcake:

    I just so it on as one of the most popular names of the day: Tayden Zip it!

    And, in middle school I had a teacher named Brian Ryan O'Brien. Yep, that's right. 


    In that vein, a math teacher in my HS was named Nguyen Nguyen (pronounced Win Win) same first and last name.

    I went to HS with a Wynn Nguyen! (A girl). They changed the spelling of her first name when they came to the states from Nguyen. 

    Mine are Emyrson (yes, I know an Emyrson IRL). Girl, obviously. And Xzavian. Ex-zavian.  

    This could be the start of another interesting day lol. :)

  • From my brief employment with children services: Abcd. Pronounced AbSidDee and D'licious. When asked how that her child got the name D'licious by the magistrate mom smiled and said "her daddy named her". Baby daddy was no where to be found. 

  • I was watching a clip show from a talk show and there was a guest named Collia (pronounced Kaya)...ummm?



  • Haven [boy]

    Haven [girl]

    Jersi [girl] 


    All from facebook. Babies of people I knew in HS. Yuck. 

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  • my stepdaughter's name is Abbygail....

    I love the name Abigail, but hate my stepdaughter's spelling.

    For the record, my DH had nothing to do with her name.

    baby joel 5.22.11
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