Norah chugs her bottle (75cc) in 10 minutes a frat boy with a beer...then spits up and spews (we have started her on Axid and are adding 1 tsp cereal to bottle)...when she is done chugging she still acts hungry and will suck on her paci...and then is miserable (spitting up, turning red, and gruniting) for an hour before she can rest. We sit her upright for an hour after feeding her. Pedi said her intake is fine for 5 lb self and not to overfeed her.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jameson takes 30 min to take his bottle (60 cc) and often falls asleep while eating. And he gets the short end of the stick on the cuddling because it goes to sis. We are switching him to a medium flow nipple to see if this helps.
Anyone else had these issues? What helped? TIA
Re: Newborn Feeding Issues
Get a Dr. Brown bottle(slowest flow of all the bottles) for Nora, and STOP her after every 25 cc to burp her. She could be spitting up because she hasn't burped enough.
You could try the avent bottle with Jameson....faster than dr. brown, but in all honesty, it should take a baby 30 minutes to drink a bottle. You may also want to try burping him when he slows down as this may an indication he needs one. Also, try increasing the amt of time between bottles- he may just want to sleep longer and make up for it when he's ready. A medium flow nipple may be too fast for him.
I would try changing bottles before I change formula.