DH and I are seriously considering having 2u2, but I am still feeling a little wishy-washy about it. DH is leaving the final decision up to me since he really wants another baby. For those of you ladies who chose to have 2u2, what were some of your deciding factors? Maternal age? Health reasons? Trying to encourage close sibling relationships? Get the pregnancies "out of the way?" etc...
Sorry if this has been asked a zillion times.
Re: Contemplating having 2u2
I had #2 because I was ready for another baby... this was our only deciding factor:)
We had 2u2 with DD#1 and DS. We are now expecting our 4th and DD#2 and this baby will be 16 months apart.
We did it because: we wanted another baby (we have always wanted 4), we love how close in age DD#1 and DS are and how well they play together, we have battled secondary infertility and know it can be a tough road, and we are both 33 and I want to be done having kids by 35.
I have recently been diagnosed with a thryoid condition (Hashimoto's) which makes infertility and m/c likely. We weren't TTC but weren't preventing either. We were shocked that we got a BFP and hope this baby continues to grow.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
The reasons for our decision were:
-Hoping the kids had a close relationship
-Financial motives: I'm not working full time so we don't have to pay for daycare. Since I had a good paying job, that was a huge blow to us financially. The quicker I have kids, the less time I'm out of full time work (I'll go back when LO #2 starts 1st grade and is in school full time to avoid paying for childcare).
-Getting the pregnancy/newborn/toddler phases "out of the way".
Honestly, I would wait. My two are 21 months apart. The baby is now 4 months.
Now that DS #1 is talking a lot more and understanding things better, it is getting sooooo much easier. I feel like I could have spared myself a lot of trouble if I had just waited a few months (I was the one pushing to ttc; patience is not my strong suit).
Really, I would wait until your older child will be around 2.5 when the new baby is born. But that's just my opinion.