Well I hope this works! I have my list of names I am thinking of...nothing for sure. I haven't even really discussed names with my DH yet. I don't think he is even thinking names until we find out what we are having! But I am! Here is the link, I hope!
Annabelle is my mother's and my maternal grandmother's name, so I'd like to include it as a middle name. But Katherine Norell is my paternal grandmother's name, she passed away when my father was very young...I just think that name flows so well and is very pretty. I love the nickname Kate as well....
Re: New to board..clicky link to names poll
For a girl, I voted for Katherine Annabelle because it's beautiful and it honors all 3 women you mentioned.
For boys, I gave a thumbs up to Jacob, Hunter, and Evan.
I think you should go with Katherine Annabelle. Katherine Norell is nice, but I would not give one of my children the exact first and middle name of someone else, because I would want my daughter and grandmother to each have their own identities. I would not want anyone to name any of my descendants my exact first and middle name.
PS: Colton is misspelled. That could be why some, including myself didn't vote for it.