Babies on the Brain

My DH is making my night (a quick jump on here to post this)

1) I took DS & took a mini-vacay to my hometown for the past few days. It has been a crazy two weeks--quick trip to both hometowns a week ago, busy three nights in a row, then a trip home to take my mom back. We stayed around a few days, and it was nice.

2) We ordered a laptop for DH's work & found out the day it shipped that we really DIDN'T need it, so we were prepared to send it back. DH said we could keep it & it's basically mine (for school use next fall). Yay! More bumping for me!!

 3) He cooked me dinner & I'm so excited to spend the first real night with DH in TWO weeks. I feel horrible even saying it because I dunno how you military moms/wives do it. I'm sure if I can take this & think that I am feeling one iota of what you all feel when your SO comes back after deployment, etc, I am just astounded...


I'll be back tomorrow. ::hugs:: 

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Emerson Claire 07.07.11 11:34am 7lbs7oz 20.5 in

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Re: My DH is making my night (a quick jump on here to post this)

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