how soon after you had your baby did you start working out again? i was pretty active before i got pregnant and most of my pregnancy [minus these last two months] and i'm just wondering if i have to wait the whole 6 weeks? i really love working out and i'm eager to get my old shape back!
Sometimes it's okay to follow. (Picture is a clicky)

Re: i'm sure this has been asked a million times but...
I waited...I was way way WAAY to freaked out that I would hurt myself-I only got a few stitches, but I was still sore, tired, etc. That being said, I couldn't wait to work out-I did a lot of walks at aroun 4 weeks but didn't go full out until 6 weeks (running, etc.)
It was really tough for me to get going..I think at first I could only run 2 miles-and it was so hard to do that! lol-just give it time and don't get too hard on yourself -I did! But now i'm back to running 5 miles a day. Just take it slow and listen to your body
Not only is each person different, each pregnancy and delivery is different, even for the same person.
For me, the first time I was fast walking by four days and doing Pilates and elliptical by 10 days. I didn't lift weights until my 6 week PP check-up. That was a relatively easy vaginal delivery, and I also worked out the day I went into labor.
The second time, I could barely get to the gym the last two months, and also I had a c-section. But I was back on the elliptical by three weeks. Again, I didn't lift until 6 week PP check-up. In this case, I also waited to do abs until then, due to the abdominal surgery and all.