I have an HSG coming up in a few weeks. I don't really know what to expect but saw that someone on another post said their doctor told them to take a valium 1 hour before. Mine didn't say anything about that. Does anyone know about this? Is it going to be an awful experience? I woudl rather know so I could be mentally prepared.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
Re: valium before HSG?
Just had one 2 weeks ago and went alone. No valium necessary; however, if you get anxious, I can see why your doctor might prescribe it. Pain not necessary for valium but as pp mentioned, I did take the ibuprofen 1 hour prior to.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
07/14/97 - Stillborn twins at 22 weeks
12/20/99 - Miscarriage #1 - 11 wks 4 days laproscopic surgery due to rupture of tube
07/01/01 - Divorced
05/30/09 - Re-married to a wonderful man!
11/11/09 - Miscarriage #2 - 10 wks 3 days, D&C
Dx: Unexplained
07/30/10 - 10/19/10 - IUI #1 - IUI #4 clomid cd2-6 + premarin cd7-13 + HCG Trigger=BFFN's
11/10/10 - IVF #1 Start stims ER#1 11/22, ER #2 11/24, ET 11/29=BFFN
03/14/11 - IVF #2 start stims, ER-03/26/11, ET-03/31/11, beta 04/08/11 = BFFN
05/16/11 - Hail Mary Cycle - Inj+TI =BFP!! 06/08/11 Beta #1 71.8, 06/10/11 Beta #2 201, U/S 6/20-1 sac. U/S 6/28 sac and hb of 118!!
My first one was really, really painful!!! I couldn't lay still enough for them to take pictures. But, that was because I had a complete septum and had a ton of pressure built up inside. All I had taken before it was Ibuprofen.
So, my next one I took Vicodin (that I had left over from my surgery) and a Valium. This one wasn't as bad. Was it because my septum had been removed, or was it because I premedicated myself. Who knows...but I didn't care because I wasn't going through that again!!!
1st pregnancy: BFP- 6/28/09 - Found out we lost our little girl on 10/9/09 at 19w 4d - D&E- 10/14/09
June 2010, corrective surgery for Septate Uterus and large fibroids
2nd pregnancy: BFP- 10/18/10 - Slow rising, non-doubling HCGs, no heart beat. Non-viable pregnancy, D&C- 11/12/10
Started Metformin 6/30/11, Started Clomid 7/20/11 - Unsuccessful
HSG and Laparoscopic surgery revealed blocked tubes and lots of scar tissue...IVF here we come!!!
Surprise BFP naturally!!! IT'S A BOY!!!