I'm about 6wks pregnant and overweight(technically according to my BMI "Obese"). What is a healthy weight gain during pregnancy? I've started to walk on my lunch break at work to get in a little exercise, any other tips?
walking at lunch is a great step! I was considered "overweight" too...your body will gain what it's going to gain. My Dr had me do a min of 30 mins exercise a day (walking, stationary bike, swimming) until about the 8 month mark when he had me stop due to high BP. That and eating healthy- avoiding fried foods and minimal carbs/sugar. I gained about 60 lbs while pregnant even doing these things...well, at the 2 week post pregnancy mark, I had lost 45 lbs!!! obviously a lot of water weight in conjunction with the baby/ placenta. So, IMO as long as you eat healthy and do something active everyday, you'll be fine. Don't start to stress about it now or you'll make yourself crazy for months. Your body will gain what you need it to to carry your baby safely. Just try to be healthy!
The current guidelines are something like 15-20 pounds if overweight, and maybe 10-15 if obese. There have also been some studies saying that obese women have good outcomes with no weight gain at all:
My OB told me no more than 15. (I am like 50lbs overweight.) After seriously changing my diet and taking up an hour gym class three times a week I've lost 6 pounds. He isn't concerned at all. The most important thing, I read, about being overweight and PG is watching sodium and sugar intakes (for preeclampsia and GD) because we're more at risk.
Re: How much weight to gain is already overweight?
The current guidelines are something like 15-20 pounds if overweight, and maybe 10-15 if obese. There have also been some studies saying that obese women have good outcomes with no weight gain at all: