Health & Exercise


Yep, the half was Brooksie. I thought it was a perfect day and a great race, (minus the hills of course), but I do most of my long runs at Kensington, so I am somewhat used to a rolling/hilly road. Your son is a total heartbreaker! Congrats on the great finish!

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Re: **jbartell**

  • It was a prefect day (other than the hills like you said and my ipod dying at .35 miles INTO the race)!  As we were leaving, I said to my husband they could not have hand-picked better weather.  I was going to also do the Free Press, but I am still undecided.  That is the race I did in 2006 and I love going over the bridge and through the tunnel, so we will see.  You are lucky to do the long runs at Kensington.  I should drive to a park and run, but it is just much easier to walk out the door and go.  I live so close to Rochester Hills that I should have been out there training on the hills, but I can do that next year!  People said it was a tough course, but I just kept thinking how bad could a couple hills really be??  I had a lot of fun though and will be doing it again next year. 

    Thank you for the nice compliment!!  Congrats to you too.  Maybe I will run into you at another race :)

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  • I am coming to Detroit as a cheerleader :) All of my coworkers are running (so glad they got into it so I am not always alone). After running Brooksie I really wanted to sign up for Detroit, but signing up this late is expensive.... and i have a really hard time holding back and not pushing myself too hard during a race. I promised myself and H that I would cut back a bit after Brooksie. If you decide to do Detroit, let me know so I can cheer for you too! :)
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