Cloth Diapering

Newborn & OS destash

Hi all-

I went crazy on customs ;-)

BG XS AIO GUC $11ppd or $36 for all 4. 3 Zinnia and 1 Blossom

'lil Joeys GUC $11ppd or $19 for both.

HappyHeiny OS Candy (pinkish) & purple these are prepped but unworn. I cannot get a good fit on my DD. $16 each or $30 for both.

Rumparooz prepped but unused in light blue. I just bought several and would rather use girly colors. $19 ppd

GroBaby AI2 sunset stripes (NIP) and wildflowers (prepped but unused). I prefer snaps. $16 ppd each or $30 for both.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
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