So this one is for those of you with older LO's as in 1year+...
DS was born at 35 weeks and caught up then fell back at his 9 month appt. He was in the 30% (for both height and weight) at one year and now, 3 months later I have a feeling he's further behind. He needs to wear 6-12 mo clothes and that doesn't seem to be changing soon.
Is this pretty normal for a 35 weeker? Should I assume he is behind because he was 5 weeks early?
Re: A question about growth of LO
This kind of issue is soo different from child to child, not just preemie. Not to mention the brand of clothes. Some run bigger than others.
My DD was born at 34-35wks, but was labeled failure to thrive at a month for not gaining weight. It takes her a long time to gain. Now at 19mths she wears anything from 9mth - 18mth sizes.
I would say as long as the docs are ok with weight, development, then don't worry. (or at least try not to)
First, 30% is not behind. Half of the kids at one year of age are going to be bigger than the 50%, and half will be smaller. 30% is a totally normal percentile.
Their growth is slowing down now. I would definitely wait for the 15 mo. check up before you get stressed out about anything. And FWIW, DS was 34w5d and was 25% at one year and has only gained about .5 a lb according to my scale since then. If he's eating well, don't worry. DS also wears lots of 12 mo but also some 9 mo and 6-12 mo. clothes.
Sounds like your son is close to my sons schedule. Since my sons 12 mo appt was basically 13 months his 15 mo appt is at 16 mos so I will find out then.