So I posted today that I found that?.we?re pregnant. The doctor confirmed it this morning. In a matter of hours my joyful moment has turned into complete guilt.
My dilemma, I have been training for my first marathon (October 17, which will bring me to 8 weeks along). I?ve been running for a few years, I just finished a ? marathon last weekend in poor time, which made me think I had the flu but I did finish it. I already ran it by my doctor who didn?t see it as an issue but said I need to listen to my body.
Here's the problem, besides my DH sending me articles with various suggestions about running while pregnant. This is my first marathon and my first pregnancy, I?m not sure if I?ll be able to distinguish one feeling from the other. My DH?s response, sit it out this year?.there will always be another marathon. Would really appreciate any runner?s advice.
Re: My first marathon...My first pregnancy
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
Do it! (If you feel comfortable.) Your DH is right, running while pregnant is good for both the baby and you. I'd highly recommend reading Excercising Through Your Pregnancy.
Good luck!!
First off I will say there are plenty of people who run marathons during pregnancy and have no issues. However, if I were in your shoes, and running my first marathon, I would sit out this year.
That being said, I absolutely encourage you to continue to run throughout your pregnancy. I feel that I've gotten a lot of benefit (both mental and physical from running during my pregnancy) but I have really tried make "everything is moderation" my motto. I just try to get out there and do something, but if something doesn't "right" I stop or cut back. It's just not worth the risk to me.
Good luck, however, with whatever you decide!
Agreed. Perhaps just run for fun/to finish as opposed to setting a competitive time goal.
I would run it, or at least attempt to. You can always stop during the race. I would lower your pace or even consider walking intervals. Keep hydrated!
Do whatever you feel most comfortable with.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!
I did a marathon at 25 weeks pregnant, but it was not my first but my 30th marathon. If you feel good about doing the marathon and are able to lower your time expectations, then I'd say go for it. I was about 1 hour slower when I was 25 weeks pregnant than I usually am, as I took it really slow and walked for long stretches, went to the bathroom etc. At 8 weeks, you won't be slower because you don't physically feel the baby yet, but you should hold back to ensure you don't overheat and overexert yourself. If you won't be disappointed by a slower time, you might want to go for it.
Like other posters-congratulations on your pregnancy!
As a marathon runner (so jealous to support the Twin City Marathon runners last Sun rather than RUN it) - and someone who runs consistently, listen to your body - only YOU can make the decision. Everyone is different.
PP has ran 30 marathons-this is your first. I think I'm in good shape and typically ran 5-6 days a week - sub 8 min miles - I'm 24 1/2 weeks pregnant right now, and I can tell you - I'm running about 3 miles, twice a week at 10 min pace and it's been difficult-and thus far, I've had an easy pregnancy. It is almost my first pregnancy. I honestly couldn't imagine running a full one at 25 weeks (Go PP!)
Be aware of your heart rate, keep hydrated, walk - and during the marathon, if you feel you can't press forward, stop and exit. There is no shame in that, especially if you are pregnant. But if you want to go for it- try it. Just don't have huge expectations or feel obligated to finish and push yourself too far. This is a critical time in your pregnancy. Marathons are hard on a body, especially if you are not used to them or what to expect.
Chiming in a little late but I just struggled with the same decision. I was training to run the Chicago Marathon this weekend and found out I was pregnant in August. Obviously I am excited about the baby but felt guilty about how disappointed I was in regards to my training. This will be my second marathon and I worked really hard this year to get to a really good point. I went back and forth and decided at the end of the day to not do it. 8-10 milers are really wiping me out. At 4 weeks I felt great but at 8, I was tired all the time. I thought I could run/walk it but that's a long time to be out there. And as my husband said, there are other marathons and that even thought is probably perfectly fine, I would never forgive myself if something happened. Instead, I am going to do a half at the end of the month as sort of a consolation prize.
Don't beat yourself up over the guilt. I did for a long time. No one questioned me when I decided not to run. In fact, people were surprised I wasn't more relieved to have a good excuse out of it :-).