TTC after 35

Saliva testing -- method or myth?

Hi all!  I'm new here and have just started TTC at 38.  Needless to say, I can kind of hear the clock ticking...I've been trying to track my O date with saliva testing, but haven't had much luck seeing any kind of results. After a solid month of testing first thing every morning, I've seen either nothing, or what the test manual calls "transitional ferning", that never develops into full ferning.  I'm starting to wonder if I'm just wasting my time, and if I should switch to OPKs.  Did saliva testing work for you?

Re: Saliva testing -- method or myth?

  • Sorry I don't have more information, but I didn't try the saliva testing. Went to OPKs right away.

    Just wanted to say welcome and GL!

  • Thanks amcrd -- I apologize for the delayed response. I haven't checked the boards in a few days.  Really appreciate the warm welcome!  This is definitely a great place with lots of kindred spirits! :)
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