Hello ladies,
For those who are interested, I had my "big" u/s yesterday and got mixed reviews. (I went to the CMFM in Annapolis). The baby is measuring small - about 15 days behind. (I thought that they due date they gave me was off by about 7 days anyway and they said I was measuring about 3-4 days behind at my 8wk viability scan.) The didn't give me head, femur or kidney measurements. The baby wouldn't really move so the Dr. could not tell if the nasal bone was missing or just narrow. Also, he said the view of the heart did not give them enough information.The Dr. was very concerned. My choices were amniocentesis ASAP with FISH results, genetic counseling and amnio later, or wait and see. We had the amnio right away and I'm still sore.
I had the 1st trimester screening and NT scan. My numbers were 1/3500 for Trisomy 21 and 1 in 10000 for Trisomy 18, so we opted not to do the AFP or quad screening.
We'll get the results by Tuesday. The genetic counselor was going to call the director of the lab to see if she could get my results earlier and I may be hearing from her tomorrow.
The concern is due to my past history as I mc'd pg #1 as a result of a trisomy problem and I am AMA. I'm really worried, but on the other hand, when I was there I got the feeling that there is nothing wrong with my baby. My family has small babies even when they are carried to term. However, I figured that I should get the testing done because we would know for sure and if need be start making alternate preparations for the birth.
I think I am extra worried because I didn't get any sleep and woke up feeling tired and dizzy and not like going to work.
I did schedule an anatomy scan in 3 weeks.
This doesn't really fit in anywhere, but I was in the same room with the same nurse and Dr. that I had when I found out that I had a blighted ovum at my NT scan for pg #2. I hate that room...
Thanks for reading this, if you got this far...
Re: U/S update
Fingers crossed for you that everything turns out ok!!! Please try not to stress while waiting for your results (I know, easier said than done. I was a huge bundle of nerves throughout my whole pregnancy).
Please keep us updated!
Oh honey! I will be thinking all good thoughts for you and your LO and your husband!
Please keep us updated and I hope you hear good news very soon!
I will keep you, your baby and your DH in my T&P.
I hope that they just weren't able to get good views of the baby. I hope your LO was just being stubborn and not wanting to give good looks.
... every single day of forever.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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