Had my appointment with Dr. Thomas yesterday and love him! I wish I had not wasted 3 years over at the other RE's. What a huge difference in approaches between the two offices. Dr. Thomas actually called me personally today to give me my blood draw results. I have never been call by the Dr. A at the other office in my entire 3 years.
I am very lucky to have great insurance, so we may just need to pay for the donnor fee, they are checking as I think the donnor meds maybe covered under my insurance. We need to confirm but I should be covered for 2 fresh and 3 frozen cycles, before we would need to move to an attained risk program.
Another compliant at Dr. A's, he never told us we were eligibile for attained risk using a donnor. We would never have paid for the Frozen egg study if that had been presented as an option.
So here is our plan, we are doing all they preliem test right now and hopefully will be able to do our first donnor IVF cycle Oct/Nov. I just faxed back our donnor request sheet and they said they should be able to match us quickly.
I am so excited to have a fresh start, it sounds like we will all be cycle close to each other!
Re: Shyn & Baze - Long
WOW! I am soo excited for you. You guys are moving right along. Can I ask what Blood work you had done? I am just trying to get in the right frame of mind. DH and I are moving closer and closer to this option. However, I think we will pursue adoption at the same time if that make sense!
I am so excited for you. Please Please keep me posted.
As far as the difference in MD's, for me it was night and day...which is how it seems it was for you. Dr. A doesn't seem to work with "older couples". Dr. Thomas is a completely different story. I really liked him as well..
Happy to hear your news!
They did 5 vitals of blood for both of us. For me they are rechecking all my levels, like FSH, prolactin..etc. since it's been 3 years since i had the initial tests at Dr. A office.
Dr. Thomas called and said so far everything has come back normal, so its looks like our IF is due to my crappy eggs. I do have to do a Water Sonogram when I get my next AF, but I think that would be the last test for me.
Hubby has to go do his donation and have it check again....luckly he is one of the few man that doesnt have an issue with it.
We had our appt yesterday. Got the packet of info. We need to read through everything and then discuss it. I've only seen Dr T, so I don't have any comparison, but he has always been the one to call me with my results. I really hope I can get DH on board with the donor eggs, I would love to be pregnant. We'll most likely need to do the shared risk program since we only have a $5000 lifetime maximum with our insurance and we have used up some of that with the other treatments we went through last year....
Good Luck ladies!