Happy Friday ladies! Anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend? Not much going on here.
TTC #1 Dx: severe MFI
IVF with ICSI #1: BFP
TESE for DH 08/09/09
ER 08/09/09; ET 08/14/09; Beta #1 08/23/09: 150; Beta #2 08/25/09: 267
TTC #2: FET #1: BFP
ET 06/16/11; Beta #1 06/25/11: 282; Beta #2 06/27/11: 777
First u/s: Twins! Baby A stopped growing @ 9 weeks, forever in our hearts
TTC #3: FET #2: c/p lost at 4 weeks
Re: Good Morning
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
I'm hoping to get to the Farmers Market tomorrow. A dog park opens in our area today at noon so we're going to take our pup out this weekend for her birthday. Then, I think we're going to see Easy A at some point.
Tonight DH is going to a poker game so I may go for a walk and vacuum if the motivation hits
My parents are coming to my house tonight since they are headed to Australia tomorrow to visit my sister and do some charity work. So we'll be doing my mom's birthday, hanging out,etc...
They always use their vacation time to go somewhere every year to help out.
They've been to Brazil, South Africa, New Orleans, etc... And this year, Australia - with the bonus of getting to see my sister!
Wish I could go, but can't leave the little man for that long and o way he (or the others on the flight) would survive that trip. lol
Have a great weekend ladies!
My first haircut!
Severe MFI - on to IVF w/ ICSI
IVF#1-2: BFN
IVF#3: BFP! - 1/24: ET - 5d - 2 blasts - 2/02: Beta #1: 16.2 ...... 2/04: Beta #2: 35 ...... 2/09: Beta #3: 401.5 - I'm pregnant! - 2/13: u/s #1 - baby boy, due 10/12, born 10/16! ...... 8 lbs 0 oz, 22 inches!