The allergist said that it was a case of hives and not an allergic reaction?thank goodness!! He said that it could?ve been caused by a viral infection. He suggested that she take Zyrtec for five days then stop and see if the hives return. If in a month they aren?t gone on their own without the use of medicine then we have to go back.
Re: Back from the Allergist
Hope it goes away fast.
I LOVE! you siggy pic, I think I told you already but I can't get over it
I read your blog and was just coming to ask you if she had some kind of virus.
I was older than Addison, but, I remember breaking out in TERRIBLE hives once. My parents took me straight to the ER because it was so bad. I had a strain of strep that showed up in my skin.
I hope the Zyrtec works!
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008