cycle #2 off of bcp and I must be in the same time period when I noticed a nice shiny face last cycle. Luckily, not so much of a problem with acne, but if I touch my nose or forehead I can see and feel it on my finger - yuck!! And I can definitely see a nice shine when I look in the mirror.
So is this my new normal now, or does it go away???
Re: Does the oiliness go away?!?!
I hate to tell you, but, mine didn't go away until I got pregnant. It was a disgusting oil slick. Now my skin is like it was on BC.
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008
Funny that you mention this... I've always been a greaseball (no pun intended toward my Italian heritage... oh, ok, pun!), until I got pregnant. I initially broke out like a mad woman; I've always had clear skin with the exception of an occasional cystic pimple on my chin before my period, so it was weird. Then, as soon as my hormones calmed down, my skin was absolutely great for the duration of my pregnancy. It's not as good as it was while I was pregnant now, but I'm definitely not as oily as before.
Just make sure you're using moisturizer, and one without oill, at that, because if you're not moisturized, your skin will produce more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture.
alright, so I have to get pregnant to get rid of this!!
Thanks for the tip on moisturizer, I didn't realize that would help