The study doesn't allow for suppression before the IVF cycle, so my IVF cycle will be dictated by my natural cycle. My next two are should start around the 2nd week of October (10/13 ish) and 2nd week of November (11/10 ish).
October: Pros - start earlier and will find out if I'm KTFU long before the holidays, and my crazy holiday work schedule, and be able to adjust accordingly. Cons - if I am truly going to be restricted from exercise, I want to do my October race because it will be my last chance to run, maybe for my entire pregnancy.
November: Pros - I get to run my October race, and there is a fairly good chance that my 3-5 days of bedrest might fall around the Thanksgiving holiday, so I would have to take less time off work, and also possibly avoid IL holiday time. Cons - Beta probably won't be drawn until I two weeks after my 80 hour a week December schedule starts.
Right now, I'm leaning towards November, but I thought I would ask you guys.
Re: So, October vs. November?
IVF with ICSI #1: BFP
TESE for DH 08/09/09
ER 08/09/09; ET 08/14/09; Beta #1 08/23/09: 150; Beta #2 08/25/09: 267
TTC #2: FET #1: BFP
ET 06/16/11; Beta #1 06/25/11: 282; Beta #2 06/27/11: 777
First u/s: Twins! Baby A stopped growing @ 9 weeks, forever in our hearts
TTC #3: FET #2: c/p lost at 4 weeks
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
I'm an impatient bastard so Oct would be it for me.
However, if you really feel in your heart you need to run that race then do it. Once more month won't kill you right?
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
OMG I didn't even think about that. We cannot be having you miss that trip!
November it is! lolz
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
Ah girl, I was just playing. Seriously although I find 606 time (especially with east coasters we never get the chance to see) highly important... If you choose an Oct. IVF cycle, then that is just as important. You do whichever you need to for YOU!
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
After 22 cycles and tube removal our IVF miracle has arrived! Detailed IF and IVF info in bio.
this, exactly. i
bacon. and you, dip.
Mmm... Bacon Dip. Sounds like a delicious 606 to me. ;-)
And yeah, I'd want to get started and do October, but can def. see how November would work. It's just one more month, right?! Good luck!
My first haircut!
Severe MFI - on to IVF w/ ICSI
IVF#1-2: BFN
IVF#3: BFP! - 1/24: ET - 5d - 2 blasts - 2/02: Beta #1: 16.2 ...... 2/04: Beta #2: 35 ...... 2/09: Beta #3: 401.5 - I'm pregnant! - 2/13: u/s #1 - baby boy, due 10/12, born 10/16! ...... 8 lbs 0 oz, 22 inches!
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012?
Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!