Apparently, CBL is going to be teaching a yoga class once a week here at work. For some bizarre reason, the class is scheduled from 1-2 and not during the noon lunch hour like the other classes are. Of course, mean boss won't let coworker and I attend even if we work through our regular lunch hour. I so wanted to see CBL do yoga outside her bathroom environment.
On another CBL related note, she has already stolen all the toilet paper out of the bathroom this morning. Guess I need to venture to another floor in our building in search of toilet paper.
Re: Yoga and Stolen Toilet Paper (CBL ment)
He knows and doesn't seem to care.
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
Absurd. All of it.
TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP
TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
Maybe she can give you private yoga lessons in the bathroom?
Is this the boss with the secret girlfriend?
Mean boss is a wimp when it comes to confronting anyone at the court outside our little office of 8 people. If we stole toilet paper, we would get his wrath and be in big trouble, but others not so much. He lets everyone else bully him around, but then tries to act like he is mean and tough when dealing with us. It is so weird.
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
Hmmm, I bet she would give coworker and me private lessons in the bathroom. I don't know if I could take the disgustingness of yoga in the bathroom however.
This is the boss with the secret girlfriend. Did I tell you that they went on a secret vacation last week? One of the people in the office down the hall saw them together at the airport.
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
Dx with endo & blocked left tube - TTC #1 for 29 cycles before miracle BFP, #2 - Surprise!!
My TTC/PG blog / Panda Phenomenon Explained