Hayden just recently started foods. So far she has had banana, rice cereal, peas, & carrots. (Plus avocado but that was a bad experience for us). She didn't poop today OR yesterday. I read that it is fairly common for this to happen when solids are introduced, but nonetheless, I'm worried. I don't think she's ever gone even ONE day without a good poop before! I was going to introduce a new food to her in the morning anyways (I'm off tomorrow-yay!) so I'm thinking I will introduce some prunes to help get things movin'. Now that I think about it she has been eating lots of banana & cereal lately- poor girl!
Anyone have a similar experience &/or natural remedy suggestions???
Re: Constipated Baby?
Yep, prunes. I give K a half an ice cube and it usually works by the afternoon.
Also, my doc suggested to offer water with the start of solids for practice and to help with constipation.
Thanks, gals! I have been giving her water in a sippy but I don't know how much she actually "drinks". It mostly ends up all over her & on the floor!
Prunes it is!
This! But my SIL. I hope the prunes help her!
I was just reading that, Lib. Thanks!
I gave her prunes this morning. It was not her favorite- in fact, I got some pretty hilarious pics of her eating them. I will post to FB. =0