North Dakota Babies


Hi love!  As I told you on FB, I've been crazy busy with school, K, and life in general, but I've been lurking here when I can.  I have been following your issues with your milk. 

First of all, I give you major props for hanging in there.  You're awesome, mama!  I also wanted to tell you about my struggles with bf.  Once I started school, I had to start pumping during the day.  Over 3 pumping sessions, I was only pumping about 9 oz total.  I think it was b/c I was stressed with starting school and not being comfortable pumping at work.  Anyways, Kellen was taking about 15 oz during the day, so I was dealing with about a 6 oz deficit.  I pulled from my freezer stash, but blew through that quickly.  (In hindsight, I should have frozen more milk than I did, but that is beside the point...)  I had a major breakdown when I realized I was not going to be able to provide for Kellen and that we were going to have to supplement with one bottle of formula during the day.  I think Josh thought I was a crazy woman b/c I was so upset over it.  Not that formula is bad or anything, I just really, really wanted to bf and was so disappointed when I realized I wasn't producing enough.  We decided to go with Similac Sensitive (milk based) and Kellen has been on this for about 2 weeks.  I was worried about making the transition from bm to formula and having it mess with his digestive system.  He only gets one bottle of it a day, but he hasn't had any issues. 

Long story, short...don't stress yourself out about the formula.  You've done a great job of bf Mari for this long!  You've done all you can and are such an inspiration for fellow breastfeeders! 

GL and have fun on Saturday night! 

Re: Cristina

  • Girl, thank you so much for your support - I really appreciate it.   It's been such a long road with BFing... 

    I was wondering what you decided to do with Kellen.  I think a bottle of formula is perfectly ok for him as long as he's doing well with it.  I'm glad you're not stressed over it anymore and I appreciate your encouragement.  I know I need to get out sometimes and if my b-milk can't withstand storage, then whatever...  

    Peter made me feel so guilty about it last night - I don't even want to talk about it because I've been such a ball of tears today as it is - sleep deprivation is really getting to me.  But I decided not to let his wannabe guilt trip dictate what I do Saturday night.

    Thank you again for your kind words - I don't know if I'm an inspiration, but I do know I've been down a ridiculously difficult road and I'm glad I'm still bfing...


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