North Dakota Babies

moms w/tummy sleeper babies

does your LO (once they know how to roll over) roll over constantly in their sleep?

A likes to flip himself over in his sleep and 1/5 times he can roll himself back onto his belly. All the other times once he rolls to his back he wakes up and gets mad cuz he wants back on his belly. So we go and flip him over and he falls right back to sleep. Some nights this can go on lots of times and others not so much. Any help to keep him on his belly?


Re: moms w/tummy sleeper babies

  • I wish I had advice for you..once G is on her belly she stays there, but wakes up a couple of times throughout the night needing her pacifier in her mouth...I can not wait until she can put the pacifier in the right way once she gets it lol....I find it backwards in her mouth all the time, it is the funniest thing...
  • nia's only a month old so hasn't figured out rolling yet, but we do use a sleep positioner. she does manage to wriggle when we don't have it there so it really helps her stay in one place.
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