North Dakota Babies


I just saw your post about Nia's change in BFing habits. Reese went through the same thing, & I finally figured out that I have an oversupply & forceful let down. That will make them fuss/pull off the breast, spit up frequently (b/c they get too much too fast), & make feedings very difficult! You mentioned that when you pump, it flows & flows, so I'm wondering if that could be causing your troubles as well. We suspected reflux also when it all started, but since she didn't scream & ate fine when given a bottle, we knew it had to be something else. Has Nia had any green poops? That can be a sign of forelimb/hindmilk imbalance, which is typical with oversupply as well. There are great articles about all of this on if you think this could possibly be the issue for Nia. GL!

Re: ***MrsQuetee***

  • Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. Nia doesn't have green poop but I'll be sure to check Kellymom. I thought it was reflux at first and my mom thought it was just general "tummy trouble" cause she's so gassy, has hiccups all the time and spits up.
  • Those are the exact symptoms Reese had. She's had the green poop 2 or 3 times before I knew how to manage it. Hopefully you can find some answers! :)
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