I can't believe I can't find this online? I don't live in PA anymore but I was going to dress my 15 month old b/g twins as a f-ball player & cheerleader since I received the cheerleader outfit from someone but all I'm finding are t-shirts/sweatshirts & not even a football jersey style shirt in toddler sizes. I don't really need the helmet or anything but thought I could put him in somethign that looks like a jersey w/ some sweatpants & he could hold a little football but it is more of a challenge than I thought!
I looked online at Lion's Pride, PSU bookstore, SBS & googled it too.
Any ideas?
Re: nbr- looking for PSU football player costume for 15 mo old DS...
This is the only thing I could find.
Try McLanahan's
Family Clothesline
These 2 stores always had toddler jerseys. Good luck!
Thanks so much! Duhhh how could I forget to check McClanahans!?
Hopefully the 2T won't drown my 15 month old LOL.