That's what a woman I know said to me. She's worried about "the world coming to an end" and doesn't want to put a child through that. I looked at her as though she was nuts and didn't have much to say except that DH and I weren't concerned about it (or that we've never even thought about it!) I had NO IDEA how to respond to her.
Re: Not having kids until 2013?
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows." Matthew 24:36
This is what I think about it. Besides, how can you plan on having kids in 2013 if you think the world will have ended by then? lol
LOL!!!! Hilarious point... Also so true with the verse from Matthew!
This exactly. I saw a sign the other day that said Judgement Day--May 11, 2011. Nutso...
Wow, I've never heard that one before. I guess our kids can be grateful that they'll only be 2ish and won't be very aware of the world ending.
Or maybe we can be grateful that the world ends when they hit their terrible twos?
What a silly way to think, and to think that in a couple of years she will be in charge of a young life.
I guess I'll enjoy my kids before we all die when the world ends...
lol, this!
I have no idea! lol
People have been talking about the world ending for a very LONG TIME... they were afraid of when we hit 2000!!! That all the computers would crashed, etc. This world is based on Fear, which is sad.
Totally agree with the verse in Matthew,, and also there is nothing to fear,, God has and will overcome the world!! That is, if you believe in Him and have a relationship with Him, then there is nothing to fear. If you don't have a relationship with Christ then there is something to fear, Hell and damnation for all eternity. Revelation addresses this.
I worried about the world when I was in my 20's! Then came to my senses and know that whenever it happens, I will be with the Lord and will raise my child to trust and believe in God and have a relationship with Him, so we can be with HIM in paradise!
EXACTLY! What a weird thing to worry about
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves
Wow. And sadly, that's probably not rare. Well, if anything the world will end Jan 2, 2013 from the world resuming from the holidays and the economy going down the toilet again because of those people who only prepared until 12-21-2012...
Braydon 1.23.09