Cloth Diapering

Best Prefolds for Newborns?

DH and I plan to CD the LO.  We're going to start with pre-folds and covers for the newborn.  2 questions.

  1. Do you have a favorite prefold?  I've been doing some online research (Cloth-Eez, Baby Kicks, and Bummis) seem to be popular but haven't found resolution about who makes the best prefolds for newborns.  note: does NOT have to be one of the three listed. Also, if it matters, unless he arrives fairly early, we expect the LO to be  a 'big boy' of 8-10 lbs at birth based on current size and our birthweights.
  2. How many prefolds do we need to have on hand to start?  I was thinking 24-30ish.  Plan to wash every other day.  Does that sound about right? 




Re: Best Prefolds for Newborns?

  • 1) has amazing PFs in all sizes. I had an 8lb 5oz newborn and he wore the orange-edge (NB size) for 8 weeks. The next size up is yellow but they are really just HUUUUGE on a NB. I would not skip the orange-edge (plus, you know those pre-birth weight estimates are notoriously inaccurate a lot of the time, right?)

    ETA - when we stopped using orange edge he was probably 12+ lbs. just for reference. Even when they are too small to snappi around baby, you can trifold them in the cover and use them for several weeks more.

    2) I would not have less than 3 dozen if you plan to wash every other day. With a NB sometimes you will use 2 diapers during a diaper change because the second you get the clean one near them, they dirty it.

  • What you could do is get 2 dozen of the NB (orange edge) size and 1 dozen of the infant (yellow edge) size if you went with GMD prefolds. That way you have enough diapers but you will have some smaller ones that fit a NB properly when they are so, so tiny. They can be used to stuff pocket diapers later if you go that route, too.
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  • We ordered Green mountain at the suggestion of this board.  They are VERY well made, VERY affordable & they have some cute pictures of different ways to use & fold them.
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