March 2011 Moms


I've been having this weird sensation off and on all day below my belly. it feels like something in there is quivering or vibrating or fluttering. its not painful and i dont think it's actually baby, but low enough to be baby related? i've had it before, but never this often. anybody else experience this? any ideas?
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Re: quivering

  • Ok so im not an expert and honestly havent felt anything like that yet but from what ive heard that could be the babys movement...or gas....
  • is this your first pregnancy? it is said that 2nd time moms and more feel baby sooner because if you feel this often, i would say it is baby or you have really bad and consistent gas! :)
    Keeping my fingers crossed for my BFP Buddy STL34!!! CafeMom Tickers
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  • its my first baby - i think it's gas! too bad. at least it doesnt seem to mean something is wrong!
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  • imagepsychobillymama:
    Ok so im not an expert and honestly havent felt anything like that yet but from what ive heard that could be the babys movement...or gas....

    my EXACT thoughts.... 

    HarLynn's mama
  • It's not common for the baby to be felt that early. I'd say it's totally gas. I can't wait until the baby movements are felt though!

    EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves


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