March 2011 Moms

Take that creepy grocery store girl! Kinda NBR

So I suddenly started feeling like crap today, and by 'suddenly' I mean after wayyyy too many skittles and starburst candies.. and my FI comes in the bedroom out of the shower with the brilliant idea to go grocery shopping. I felt way to gross to go with him, so I told him to get me some red grapes, and cheese stuffed crust pizza, and ginger ale and whatever he wanted.

He texted me when he got to the grocery store, notified me when he turned the corner at each aisle, and then notified me of this strange girl he noticed following him. He said he was just going to ignore her and hope she went away. When he got to the frozen pizza aisle she scooted into the freezer next to him when he opened the door, and grabbed the same pizza he grabbed (for me- ha!) while giving him a wink and saying 'hey there cutie'. My FI just said excuse me and stepped back.

At this point, I was ready to hop in my car, and drive it strait into the pizza aisle to mow her down. Turns out after FI ignored this chick some more she put the pizza down on a shelf and kept following him! Finally, my phone rings, and almost before I can get out hello my FI says "How are you and my baby doing?". I giggled, then he giggled and told me she made a funny noise  when he said 'baby' and high tailed it out of the aisle. 

Being pregnant even scares the ladies off over the phone! Awesome! Take that grocery store girl. Seriously? The grocery store to pick up guys?

Re: Take that creepy grocery store girl! Kinda NBR

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