March 2011 Moms

Baby Dream

I dreamed this week that I had a baby girl!  

Re: Baby Dream

  • Maybe its a sign!?!?!  I don't knoe if you believe in that or not, but I totally do- I've had a feeling before I even knew I was pregnant, that we would have a boy.  I did the Chinese Gender thing and it said boy.  I just have a feeling, we're team green so we won't find out for sure, but who knows. 
    HarLynn's mama
  • It could be a sign, but I've heard of people who dreamed the sex of the baby all through pregnancy and it was wrong.  I haven't had any dreams just a feeling that its a boy, but we won't know until our scan.
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  • I've dreamt that I've had both a boy and a girl and I'm not having twins!  I don't know what to think
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  • So far I've had two dreams that I'm having a boy. I will be totally surprised if it's a girl at the anatomy scan!
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