Maybe its a sign!?!?! I don't knoe if you believe in that or not, but I totally do- I've had a feeling before I even knew I was pregnant, that we would have a boy. I did the Chinese Gender thing and it said boy. I just have a feeling, we're team green so we won't find out for sure, but who knows.
It could be a sign, but I've heard of people who dreamed the sex of the baby all through pregnancy and it was wrong. I haven't had any dreams just a feeling that its a boy, but we won't know until our scan.
Re: Baby Dream
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
Time to make Emilie a big sister!
May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148