I just got back from my 32 week ultrasound and they measured my cervix. The tech said it was shorter than at my last ultrasound and measuring at 1.8? When the doctor came in to check all the measurements he said that it's not anything that we should be worried about since I'm not having any contractions. I have no clue what this number means so let me know if you have any insight. I also don't know if I've had any contractions or not. If I am they're obviously very mild. (I've had a few days that I've felt kinda crampy like the day before my period, but I figure it might just be that I'm at the point of being uncomfortable all the time). They also said baby A is super low so maybe that's why my cervix is shorter?
Sorry for rambling and I'm hoping this isn't a dumb question but if you ladies can give me any feedback it'd be great!
Re: cervix question....
When mine measured 1.6ish I was 26 weeks and it landed me on bedrest. I think because you are so far along it's not a concern. My peri told me 2 weeks ago that he would stop measuring at 32 weeks because by that point with twins it starts to shorten anyway, so I am sure you are fine!! As long as those contractions stay away!
Good luck!
As of my last u/s I was around a 1.3 at like 26 weeks and ended up on bedrest. I'm now 31 as of Tuesday, and they aren't measuring it- just checking for dilation..I was sent home from the hospital on br, so I think you are in good shape.
Try to avoid the lifting and overexertion- but with little to no contrax and 32 weeks I'm not surprised your doc is ok with that.
The farther along you get, the shorter your cervix is. At 32 weeks, mine measured .6. I went on bedrest for 13 days and then it measured 1. So bedrest helped me. Your cervix can stay at that length until 37 weeks, or it can gradually get shorter.
If your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't worry about it. They'll let you know if you need to take it easy or go on bedrest. If you are concerned and want to be proactive, try to take it easy when you get home from work. Avoid standing on your feet a lot. Make the couch your friend and let your DH do a lot of the work.
6 IUIs,IVF #1 w/ICSI = BFP!
Betas, 332 & 856 = twins!
Our baby girl is here!
I was told that anything under 3 is a concern. They stopped measuring me after 31 weeks, but didn't actually tell me why. I assume that it is expected to shorten after that point. If you doctor says it is fine, I would trust him. You're getting close to the end, and making it this far is a milestone. Cheers to you on that!
Good luck!