We're currently in a 1 bedroom apartment and we just placed an offer on a house last night! It seems like the perfect starter house for us and a great transition from our apartment.
Now I just need some extra thoughts and prayers that we get the house AND we get out of our lease early
Re: A place for baby to live!
We put an offer in on a house Tuesday night! Fingers are crossed as we have a 2 BR town house now that will not hold another as I already have a 5 yr old step daughter and refuse to make her share a room with an infant!
Fingers crossed for you and us that we get our dream homes before baby arrives!!
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
Rachel and Jeff Married 5.29.05
Jason is 8
Elizabeth is 6
Katherine is 18 months