So DH was at the law school tonight for something from 6-7. He mentioned a reception that started at 7, but he wasn't sure if it would be food (I usually join him for free food). He also wasn't sure if he was going to go. I was on the bump and watching TV and I realized that I was getting REALLY hungry and I look at the clock and it's 8:30. DH just calls and says that he's headed home. I was really snarky to him on the phone, but he did mention that he hadn't eaten yet. WTF. Maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones, but I'm really annoyed with him. He couldn't freaking call and let me know that he wasn't going to be home until super late and WAY past dinnertime???? I would have just eaten without him but we talked about having fish for dinner and both of us don't like to reheat fish. I went into the kitchen just now ready to eat dinner without him when I realized that he did NOT do the dishes. I can't cook when I can't use the sink!!!!!! So now we'll have to go out to dinner, but it's freaking 8:38 now. Grrr. I'm so annoyed at his thoughtlessness and the fact that he didn't do the freaking dishes like he said he would. (I cook, he cleans the dishes. That's the deal we made when we rented the apt without the dishwasher.)
Re: DH Vent
You should just eat it with spoons! Bread is over rated