March 2011 Moms

Thinking about buying..

a scale.  I don't have one b/c I really don't have anywhere to put it and hate clutter but i'm really considering it.  I've been throwing around the idea of having VBAC but my OB recommends against it if i gain more than 30 lbs.  I just figured if I had one I;d be on it obsessing all the time, instead of just using it at the gym before my workout.

BabyFruit Ticker






Patiently waiting for little brother!



Re: Thinking about buying..

  • I obsess about my scale. I say no scale! Besides you weigh in at your doctor's office. But I definitely think you should try for a VBAC.
  • We have one and I feel like it helps me stay on track.  I gained way too much weight with DS so I am trying to be very careful about eating healthy this time.  I realized that I gained too much this weekend on vacation so I am making sure I am really good this week so that nothing gets out of control.

    Rachel and Jeff Married 5.29.05

    Jason is 8

    Elizabeth is 6

    Katherine is 18 months 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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  • I weigh myself weekly and need to b/c I gain weight very easily even when I'm not pregnant.  I'm hoping for a VBAC too, but unfortunately your OB doesn't sound like he's on board if he's making up "rules" like that with no scientific backing.  Sorry, just one of my pet peeves and they find a way to do a repeat c/s with arbitrary restrictions under the guise of allowing a VBAC early in the pregnancy. 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I weigh myself everyday before shower...can't help it, it's sitting right there.  I think it helps me control myself b/c I have always eaten whatever I've wanted my whole life but maintain a healthy weight through exercise and some moderation.  I rec buying a more expensive one, or at least NOT a cheap one.  I have a Healthometer one, works great :)
  • imagechicsub:
    I weigh myself weekly and need to b/c I gain weight very easily even when I'm not pregnant.  I'm hoping for a VBAC too, but unfortunately your OB doesn't sound like he's on board if he's making up "rules" like that with no scientific backing.  Sorry, just one of my pet peeves and they find a way to do a repeat c/s with arbitrary restrictions under the guise of allowing a VBAC early in the pregnancy. 


    My OB is all about the VBAC. She will let me try a VBAC if I want.  But b/c I already have a significant amount of belly fat my risk of rupture increases if I gain more weight than I'm suppossed to.  There are a lot of things that increase or decrease your risk of rupture. 

    My own rule for a VBAC is that if I have to be induced I don't even want to attempt it because it increases your risk so much.  My Ob told me they can give me Pitocin if I want to go for it.  But I'd rather not.

    BabyFruit Ticker






    Patiently waiting for little brother!



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