A woman calls our office and asks me what happens to a tooth when it's left in a baggie. I assume she, her child, or someone she knows has lost a tooth and they put it in a baggie. Turns out that no one she knows lost a tooth, she found it in her hamburger at a fast food establisment. She is convienced it is a tooth but said it has started to change colors. It has no dental roots but she said she could tell it was a tooth because it had grooves in it. I'd bet it's gristle. She has already talked to her lawyer.
On a PSA side note - if your tooth does fall out, put it in a cup of milk and see a dentist ASAP.
Re: People Ask Weird Questions
I'm pretty positive it's a desperate attempt at a lawsuit. But yes, if it were a tooth (it would have had to be a baby tooth given her description) ewwwww!