Ok so I've never liked eggs. Not since I was in school and actually found out that they not only came from chickens but that they were in some form actually "baby chickens".
I gave up meat 5 years ago. Not because I didn't want to see an animal get harmed but because I hated the taste of it. Sure I'd eat it here and there, but two times in a week of meat eating was pushing it.
Pickles can't stand them! I always ask for no pickles or I give them away to somebody else at my table.
So guess what I eat now? Ever since I've been pregnant I HAVE TO HAVE a BACON EGG and cheese sandwich for breakfast. A peice of egg fell out of my sandwich onto the floor today and I actually thought about picking it up and eating it. (for the record I didn't eat the AWOL egg).
I have to have chicken for dinner, or at least some form of meat. Last night DH had his fantasy football draft and I went with him just so that I could score a piece of pepperoni pizza.
Before we left for the draft I ate a half a jar of pickles. Not sure if any of you remember my hormonal pickle rant the other night, but I ended up putting on my big girl panties and driving myself to the store to buy a giant jar. They were like crack to me. I almost drank the juice straight out of the jar. (again, sanity won out).
Anybody else eating things that they normally hate?
Re: Food
I didn't eat dairy (except when it was cooked into baked goods) or any meat (excluding fish) for 5 years. I now eat dairy like it's going out of style. I'm having meat about 3 times a week. I still haven't, and likely won't eat pork again. But beef and chicken have rejoined my diet.
As far as other things I normally don't eat but I am now ... anything processed. I think my lowest point yet was when I had a Hot Pocket this weekend. My first since probably middle school. DH and I walked down all the center aisles at the grocery store looking for food I could and would eat. 6 months ago you couldn't have caught me with processed food, now I have a pantry of boxed junk.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
Not anything like that that i didn't like before but want now.. but i'm the opposite, ice cream i could have lived on, and now i want nothign to do with it!!!!
Good luck, you crave it because you're body needs it! So don't deny it!!! lol
My favorite food in the whole world is a good steak. Ever since this LO I can't even smell it never mind eat one. Up until last week I was that way with chicken too, but this week has been ok. the worst partis I work at a steak house and have to smell, see and serve them 4 days a week. When the ribs are cooking in the ovens (for about 2 hours) I want to gag. I always bought processed food for DH but never ate it myself until recently.
Patiently waiting for little brother!
You and I saound the same! I had hot pockets as a staple in my freezer in my younger days (good food for after the bar). When I got pregnant they were the only thing I would eat. DH has banned them from the house since the day I ate 6 of them over an entire weekend.