well- here's what $40 gets you at the drugstore when you're too impatient to wait for your u/s. lol. so what do you think i'm having? other than either a boy or a girl...
I took the intelligender with my first.....I was so impatient that I would of bought anything. I know its not accurate, you cannot determine the gender by urine, if you could doctors would be doing this. My results said boy. I have a beautiful 9 month old girl!
Wow I've never seen or heard of anything like that. Probably a waste of money completely, the only truth in finding out to me is when LO actually comes out. I have known people to have u/s wrong even. Thats one reason we're team green. It's hard, but its gonna be so worth it.
Re: intelligender results, well kind of
I took the intelligender with my first.....I was so impatient that I would of bought anything. I know its not accurate, you cannot determine the gender by urine, if you could doctors would be doing this. My results said boy. I have a beautiful 9 month old girl!
Dont waste your $$$$$$$$
Wow I've never seen or heard of anything like that. Probably a waste of money completely, the only truth in finding out to me is when LO actually comes out. I have known people to have u/s wrong even. Thats one reason we're team green. It's hard, but its gonna be so worth it.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11