March 2011 Moms

DH to work in AZ beginning the 22nd of Sept!

We knew this was going to happen, until there's more work in CA. The project manager said that they will be working all 5 days, but the company's policy is that if you work OUT OF TOWN,, then you do 4 10's! Well, AZ is OUT OF TOWN! So, he's looking for work and has had some interviews, but no other call backs for now. He'll still go, but won't stay for long. Good thing the baby isn't here!

So, praying and believing for a great job offer with a company and can have a LONG standing job... he is a safety engineer.

we have 2 dogs so they will keep me company when he's gone,.. he's still will be training for the April 2nd Half Ironman,, has a sprint tri this weekend.

Believing for great things to happen!

Re: DH to work in AZ beginning the 22nd of Sept!

  • Hope everything works out and he finds something that won't take him out of town so much.
  • I agree! He's been working on Port Hueneme but comes home every night, which is still draining but at least he came home,, that's also why I'm PG! lol

    Thanks.. it will happen!!

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  • My DH is gone all of Oct, Jan, Feb, and March up until the birth.

    We can mope and whine to each other in October :)

  • My husband is on the waiting list to get into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (his dream job) and with that he'll be transfered to over 48 hours away (drive) for 6 months, i'm just hoping that doesn't happen until after the baby is born.  I really don't wanna be alone for this, but know how important this job would be for him, and how much it would mean.  It will work out, and everything will be ok in the end.  Just have faith. 
    HarLynn's mama
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