March 2011 Moms

Peeing SO MUCH today

I am not exaggerating when I say I have gone at least every half hour today.  This is a new thing.

 I am totally nervous about what I'll do tomorrow and for the rest of the school year.  I teach 7/8 so it's not a big deal to zip out for a few minutes, but leaving every half hour?  That won't be good.

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Re: Peeing SO MUCH today

  • eep!!!  Did you drink more than usual today?  I know I drank more today, so i was going a lot?!  It was rediculous- at one point i was in the bathroom 3 times in one hour!  CRAZY
    HarLynn's mama
  • I hadn't drank too much earlier and I was peeing like crazy too.  I'm hoping it was just a fluke
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