I always heard it levels out in the 2nd tri. It was crazy the first tri and now its getting worse....meaning i have to eat more to get full and its totally almost taking over my life! I am going to talk to my doctor about it this week, maybe something is wrong with me or maybe its the zoloft i'm on , like a side effect or something. If that's the case, I'm getting off it asap cause i can't afford to gain tons of weight....auuughhh, anyone else tired of having to eat
Re: really concerned about my hunger
no, but sometimes don't want protien! had popcorn last night for dinner, with 3 bites of a pork chop and then DH brought me fake ice cream from Wendys. The frosties have 30 ingredients for their ice cream!!! Ice cream, real ice cream, only has 3 ingredients. It was alright,, only ate a little and threw rest away.
You walking? I eat about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours
I'm tired of having to eat. I think my m/s symptoms are finally starting to fade. However, food is still not very appetizing, and I have to eat constantly.
I've already gained 8+lbs and am worried about putting on too much weight. I bought a pedometer yesterday and am going to try and get in 10,000 steps a day. I've been pretty lethargic for the last 6 weeks.