The last couple of mornings I've had the pleasure of sleeping in. And you know when you just lay there and debate about getting up and sometimes you fall back asleep for a couple more minutes. Every morning, I've felt flutters. Is it possible that it's the baby? One day it felt in just the general stomach area (which unfortunately is an ever-expanding part of my body currently). One day I felt it on the lower left size, below my belly button. I haven't felt it at any other time of day.
Re: Feeling the baby?
I am going to say gas... but then I am no expert. Right now the baby is at or below your panty line, so both of the areas that you described sound too high for baby.
I think most people feel something at 14 weeks at the earliest... so don't worry that you haven't felt anything yet.
I had a couple of quick pops that were right where the hb is strongest on a doppler, and for a second I got really excited... and then I realised that they were way too strong and way to early to be baby...
Doesn't mean I don't lie quietly and pay attention on occasion though...
Ditto this.
The u/s tech explained why you can't feel the baby this early even though it moves like crazy, b/c the baby still has so much room to move. We start to feel the movements as they're bigger and the space becomes more crowded.
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
Time to make Emilie a big sister!
May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148
I've been feeling them at 14 weeks. I posted something about it and everyone jumped on me like I was a wacko.
I know it's not gas. It feels different.
Right now, the baby is right under the top of your hairline... that's where you'll feel them
Mine are random, but I've had 3 good spurts of them this week. Feels like bubble, bubble, pop, tap, tightness, bubble, etc. in a random pattern. I always feel them after I drink a Coke.
Life of mrsjanks