March 2011 Moms

well, my regular jeans officially don't fit.

and I'm not even really showing - unless you count my butt. 
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Re: well, my regular jeans officially don't fit.

  • How funny that you posted that.  I just got through trying on all the jeans in my closet and reached the same conclusion.  I haven't even gained any weight.

    I placed an order at Old Navy about 2 minutes ago for a pair of maternity jeans. 

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  • I just went and bought my first jean skirt and capris today.  I needed it, I could have worn my jeans unbuttoned, but I don't need my undies hanging out while I am teaching.

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  • this early on lol come on ladies I know yall have heard of the rubber band trick :D it works amazing for me right now... I just wonder if there is a way to make my bras last longer??? lol
  • I bought 2 maternity pants and some shirts, because I can! Did buy some new bras which felt really comfortable!!! I may use the rubber band trick but hey, if I can buy some stuff and get it at a cheaper price then I will!
  • imagenewmommy2be2011:
    this early on lol come on ladies I know yall have heard of the rubber band trick :D it works amazing for me right now... I just wonder if there is a way to make my bras last longer??? lol

    I did this for 2 weeks.  Between a belly I have never had anymore, and the bloat it's not working anymore!!

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  • I just did the rubber band trick.  "Someone" dried them on the high setting so they were especially snug today.   I remember they were practically falling off me in June! 
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  • I put on jeans the other night because I was going to Shakespeare in the Park and it was going down in the low 60s. My jeans fit, but they felt uncomfortable. When I sat down, they are really tight, so I unbuttoned them. Luckily it's supposed to be warm for another week. I'm worried about other fall clothes. Maybe it's time to suck it up and get the bella band.
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