They have parties ALL the time. Yesterday they had a party with 50 plus people, mind you we live in rown of townhouses that are connected to eachother. All day yesterday we heard the booming of the base and people yelling and screaming from that party.
DH is a police officer and works nights so he ended up calling that presinct to complain, I think those officers did something to quiet them down. Its just so AGGRAVATING! I cant keep the window open when its cool outside because people are always on their deck being obnoxiously loud. And im not talking about like 9pm, Im talking about like from 9pm until like 4:30am. Its ridiculous.
Im at the end of my rope.
<----- Angry pregnant woman
Re: Im going to hurt my neighbors
I'm so sorry! That really stinks! We used to live in an apartment complex and there were a couple of floors that did that all the time- it was so horrible! I think if you hurt them, then made sure the cops knew you were pregnant, it'd be okay!
We probably could talk to them. I know on a couple of occasions DH spoke them on his way into work about keeping things down. It just makes me nervous because its 2 guys that rent out that townhouse, and since DH works nights im left alone. And I know these guys know that. So I kind of dont want to make enemies. Sounds dumb but Im a worry wart.
that actually makes alot of sense; i would be the same way! earplugs maybe? :-)