I really haven't changed my lifestyle all that much now that I'm PG, except of course no drinking....I've limited my soda/coffee intake, but haven't completely cut it out...Still get mani/pedis, highlights.....Haven't had deli meat or sushi, but that is nothing major...Anyone else who didn't go crazy with "You can't do thats...?"
Re: Raise your hand if you aren't crazy about "Can't dos.."
Same here. And my doctor is really cool about things. I'll ask her about things some things I've read in books like "you shouldn't go to the dentist" and "no drinking herbal teas" and she laughed out loud.
I"m pregnant, not a candidate for a plastic bubble.
Me too. My dentist thought all the dentists who still believed that pregnant women couldn't go to the dentist were either retired or dead, he was surprised people still thought that way.
I have my morning cup of coffee. I've had sushi, soft cheese and deli meat. Well, not very much since those aren't in my diet usually anyway. The point is, I've had them.
When people say "you can't do...," I tell them "I've stopped smoking crack, what more do you want of me?"
so far people have told me not to reach high or bend low. dont eat sushi. don't go to starbucks. don't scratch your stomach or you'll get stretch marks. i'm barely showing so i'm sure sooner or later strangers will be handing their advice in. basically i'm just supposed to sit still for 6 more months. super.
Me. I started off trying to be very good and follow all the rules. Then the m/s hit and it was soooo bad that I said screw I'll do whatever makes me feel better lol and that included eating a hot dog one day.
Edit to add: I've even been to Subway and one day it was twice on the same day lol
::hand is raised::
I too have 1 cup of coffee a day (as oppose to the 3 I usually had lol), I have definitely had some feta cheese and I've also had Deli Meat but both of those are from Wegmans and I thoroughly trust that place.
I haven't had my hair done yet but that's bc my lady has been super busy so by the time I go I'll be in the 2nd tri.
Besides not drinking, I haven't changed much either. I just can't alter my whole lifestyle when the child is still in the womb, it won't ever end if I start now.
I didn't drink alcohol or eat sushi before I was pregnant.
I still eat Subway every now and then. I drink a coke if I want one (usually 1 a day or less).
I get pedicures.
I cut the grass with a push mower.
I do just about everything physically that I used to... except play volleyball. I'm aggressive and I don't want to hurt the baby while caught up in the moment.
Life of mrsjanks
I have quit drinking alcohol and I quit smoking. I always said I would quit smoking for life when the first baby came. And I kept my promise to myself.
Otherwise, I dyed my hair, I have a diet coke every now and then, and I eat at Subway at least once a week.
I never ate Sushi before and very rarely ate soft cheeses.
It is to a point where if I visit the 1st trimester board and I see all these people posting about being sick of not being able to eat stuff I wanna pull my hair out. EAT IT! Maybe I am just getting hormonal... but I am sick of people being in a bubble just because you are pregnant.
Ditto. I think that's why it was so easy for me to just stop cold turkey the way that I did.
I eat cooked sushi (we eat sushi all the time, even my 3 yr old loves it!) Have had multiple mani/pedi's. haven't had my roots done only because of lack of time. Pick up my 35 lb DD every day. Still jog on a treadmill (though not as fast, or long) and I waitress and carry heavy trays 4 days a week. It's what my body is used to and my dr said as long as I'm not short of breath or dizzy to keep on doing it. oh and I eat a salad almost every day usually with Goat or bleu cheese.
Patiently waiting for little brother!